Google Chrome blocks uBlock Origin — The cat and mouse battle on Google cracking down on ad blocker has been going on for quite some time now especially on YouTube landscape. Recent developments, however, may put the long battle to rest.
The latest Google Chrome update recently changed its extension support from the Google Manifest V2 framework to Google Manifest V3 framework which potentially— and actually it kinda already is breaking various adblocks including uBlock Origin.
Google argues that this change is necessary because “Manifest V3 aims to be the first step in our platform vision to improve the privacy, security, and performance of extensions.”; while they make it sound noble, one of the changes mentions that a remotely hosted code will no longer be possible with the update.
Up to this date, Google Chrome adblocker such as uBlock Origin relies on dynamic filters to prevent persistent ads and with the removal of the extension’s ability to use its own hosted code, it really gimp up the ad block’s capability. Yet according to Google, such ability “presents security risks by allowing unreviewed code to be executed in extensions.”
uBlock Origin Lite
Raymond Hill, the developer of uBlock Origin, already came out with the “solution” for this issue as he developed uBlock Origin Lite which packs the original function, including core ad-blocking features but is missing the dynamic filters capability. This is a given as it has to comply with the Manifest V3 changes.
He also mentions that the reason why he doesn’t just rename and update the original uBlock Origin is because:
“I consider uBO Lite to be too different from uBO to be an automatic replacement. You will have to explicitly find a replacement to uBO according to what you expect from a content blocker. uBO Lite may or may not fulfill your expectations.”
Bottom line
Google has finally pulled the trigger to kill persistent ad blocker by pushing the Manifest V3 framework on its latest Google Chrome update. The new framework stops extensions from being able to remotely host its own code.
uBlock Origin developer has created an alternative that complies with the update named uBlock Origin Lite. Unfortunately, the lite version may not be as potent as the original and he suggests users look for an alternative.