How to make your X account private – For the longest time, Twitter now known as X is well known as a platform where everyone can share their thoughts and connect with people around the world. By default, your account will always be set to public where everyone can fully see your profile and tweets but for those who fancy a bit of privacy, X or Twitter’s “protect your tweets” mode may be a good option to toggle on.
The Protect Your Tweets mode is essentially a way how to make your Twitter account private by locking your account. It means that only your followers can see and respond to any of your tweets or posts and this guide will help you to find and enable that function.
How to lock your Twitter Account or X Account
As Twitter or X are available on PC, Android and iOS there will be three different guides below that you can follow depending on your devices.
For PC users:
- Select More (three dots icon) from the menu on the left.
- Press Settings and Privacy.
- Find and then press Privacy and Safety.
- Once again find then press Audience and Tagging.
- Select the box next to Protect Your Tweets and make sure it shows a checkmark.
- A pop-up will open asking for confirmation to protect your tweet, simply press Protect.
For Android users:
- Tap your profile icon on the top left then tap Settings and Support.
- In the drop-down, tap the Settings and Privacy.
- Find and tap Privacy and Safety.
- Once again find and tap Audience and Tagging.
- Tap the Protect Your Tweets and the sliders should indicate it’s on.
For iOS users:
- Tap your profile icon and head to Settings and Privacy.
- Tap Privacy and Safety.
- Find and tap Audience and Tagging.
- Once the menu opens, tap Protect Your Tweets to enable the mode.
For some users, the Protect Your Tweets may be already renamed to Protect Your Posts and regardless of the text, both serve the same function.
Bottom line
In its default settings, your Twitter or X account is always set to public which means that anyone can see your profile including your tweets or posts. For those who fancy a bit more privacy, the option Protect Your Tweets or Protect Your Posts is there to limit the viewer of your profile to just your followers.
The steps above are meant to help you find and enable that option. Depending on your device and software version, the wording might be a bit different but it should still work the same..
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