What are Miiverse Memes That Suddenly Get Popular?

miiverse memes

Miiverse memes — If you are on Twitter, you may notice that some users are leaving tweet replies with a picture of a green character with “Yeah!” next to them and you may be wondering what in the world is that thing. If that’s the case, you may not be the only one as the “Yeah meme Twitter” originated from Miiverse, Nintendo’s now-defunct social network.

The Miiverse yeah button is simply their own version of the like button. Some speculate that its rise in use on Twitter was because of a recent policy change on Twitter or X where Elon Musk makes the likes private for all users on the platform.

What is Miiverse and what does it have to do with Twitter?

Miiverse, as previously mentioned, was Nintendo’s social account primarily designed for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS but can also be accessed through any web browser on PC. The general idea for the platform is similar to any social platform where everyone can post and interact with each other by leaving comments and likes as well as the ability to follow each others’ profiles.

The platform also lets players draw and share those drawings with the community for everyone to see and react.

miiverse memes

Unfortunately, Miiverse has long been shut down on 8 November 2017 but a small group has decided to light up the torch once again by creating a mod called Rverse; a Miiverse recreation for 3DS and soon for Wii U.

miiverse memes

And this brings us up to the “Yeah meme”. As you may have expected, the “Yeah!” that has been spreading around on Twitter is its “likes” button for the platform.

Elon Musk has recently decided to hide the likes menu for all users on its Twitter profile and some users decided to make fun of the change by replying to the tweet with “Yeah!” to show that they like the tweets.

Bottom line

The “Yeah!” icon meme that recently became popular on Twitter originated from Miiverse; Nintendo’s discontinued social network dated back in 2017.

The meme is meant as a response to Twitter’s recent policy change where it now hid the likes menu for all users.

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